Ankele, Monika/ Majerus, Benoît: Material Cultures of Psychiatry, Bielefeld: transcript 2020.

A product of the activities of our Association is the book by Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach, Psychiatrische Ordnung in Gefahr. ‘Irrenanstalten’ um 1900 im Blick von Öffentlichkeit und Literatur. It is published by Schwabe-Verlag at the end of the year 2021.

Cony Theis presented her art project Chandelier during its development process in the colloquium of the Association. The aim of the project was to develop individual forms of the light objects, each of which contains secrets and mysteries of patients from forensic or gerontological psychiatry.
Cony Theis: Kronleuchter. Hrsg. vom Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster. Februar 2022.

There are photo collections in many psychiatric clinics that are more or less anonymous and therefore pose challenges from a scientific and ethical point of view. The Prinzhorn Collection is hosting an exhibition on such photos from 24 March. The catalogue is entitled Hinter Mauern. Fotografie in psychiatrischen Einrichtungen von 1880 bis 1935 has just been published. Martina Wernli had presented the project (and her contribution in the catalogue on the photographing doctor Dr. Marie von Ries-Imchanitzky, 1880-1942) at a working meeting of the Association.